Even after 11 years, all good things come to an end.


As this will be my final MLA (officially “former”)  column, and I want to take a step back from the issues of the day to focus on the people who help make our constituency special. 


First off, I want to wish all the best to newly elected MLA Justin Wright. Cypress-Medicine Hat is a wonderful riding filled with good folks who are motivated to support stronger families and communities. My only advice is to put their thoughts and concerns first; when you do, you can’t go wrong.


Secondly, I want to thank all of the folks who supported and gave me the opportunity to represent our corner of the province over the last 11 years. Together, we have enjoyed plenty of success. 


When the government delayed support following the 2013 flood, we pushed back. When the government brought in the family-farm-killing Bill 6, we stood up. And, when Ottawa overstepped its bounds, we led the fight for a fair deal. On your behalf, I have also worked to the best of my ability to force our governments to operate more like a business, with an eye to the long term rather than just the four-year election cycle.


Finally, I want to thank my wife and family. None of my accomplishments to this point, in business, in politics, or in life, would have been possible without your love and support.


I have spoken many times about my optimism for our community and for our province. We have every natural advantage, from a young and motivated workforce to abundant natural resources that are the envy of the world. Our full potential remains ahead of us. 


The key is getting the government out of the way and allowing folks to do what they do best. When it comes to restoring property rights and defending free market economics, there remains plenty of work to do. 


The good news is that we can all lend and hand, in one form or another, in getting the job done. As I have stated many times- 15 minutes a month- give 5 at the municipal level, 5 at the provincial level, and 5 at the Federal level.  The impact can add up over time. In the weeks and months ahead, I will be exploring new avenues for doing this as well. 


But in the meantime, I want to thank all of you. I truly appreciate your unwavering support over the years. 



Drew Barnes

Cypress-Medicine Hat


