The Future is in Alberta’s Values: Part Four

In spite of the government’s economic restrictions, a $115 billion in provincial debt and bottlenecked resource movement, Alberta is in a wonderful spot.  This is because North Americans everywhere know that Alberta is one of the last places where strong, societal, conservative values like truth, economy, charity and freedom are still valued and part of culture. An Alberta that recognizes the need to foster Alberta priorities, economic freedom, allow space for Alberta family and community values, and individual opportunity.

Albertans also value fairness, community, and risk taking.  3 examples where these values are working to give citizens more freedom, a louder voice and equity are Switzerland, Wyoming and Australia. 

Switzerland is known for its banking, skiing and commitment to direct democracy.  In addition to an amazing system where the Presidential role is rotated annually among some canton (provincial) leaders it takes just 50,000 of 8,500,000 Swiss to place a question on the ballot for a national referendum.  That is comparable to just 25,000 of 4,300,000 Albertans being able to be directly involved in our future.   And Switzerland’s “Friends of the Constitution” easily achieved 86,000 signatures to place a question challenging their government’s covid-19 economic lockdown on a June ballot.  The Swiss will have their voices heard. This is true whether they believe lockdowns caused too much economic and societal damage, or perhaps should have been more focused on long term care and the vulnerable. Some Swiss are also saying lockdowns are a tactic too easily enforced for future emergencies.  And citizens who feel lockdowns should have been sooner and more severe will also be heard.  Regardless, the direct engagement of 8,500,000 Swiss and the often amazing accuracy of the “Wisdom of the Crowd” will be front and center.

I was talking to a friend in Wyoming.  I asked what he liked so much about Wyoming. The answer was the beauty, freedom, wide open spaces and a jurisdiction with no income tax.  No state income tax.  Yup, my friend said “Because of state royalties on coal, oil and gas development.”  Alberta has all that and more.  That more is irrigation, technology, forestry and millions of bottlenecked barrels of oil.  In contrast, Alberta has provincial taxation of up to 15% of your income, on top of Ottawa’s 33%. 

Recently, I have discovered a political party in Australia called The National Party. It is a hundred years old and its main conservative focus is on improving the services provided and lifestyles of Australians who do not live in the capital cities and rely on agriculture and mining industries.  Page, Fadden and McEwen are the 3 National Party Prime Ministers that served in the past and The Nationals also wield the balance of power by not running candidates in the capital cities and forming coalitions with other conservative parties, all the while caucusing separately.

Three examples out of many, where freedom loving people found ways to be directly involved in their future, enhance choice by limiting government taxation and interference and overcome regional disparities for lower populated areas.

The future is Alberta’s values.  Don’t look back.  Get involved.

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Premiers Boondoggles Starting To Add Up


If you find yourself in a hole…. stop digging!! Part 3